Analyzing Social Inequalities Concept Map

Feminism, scientific knowledge, and intersectionality were the major concepts that help me understand Modules 5, 6, and 7. Feminism is concerned with issues of gender equality and provides a lens of analysis to understand social systems of power, gender, sexuality, and race. This map shows only some of the complexities of feminist issues. Scientific knowledge has been used to perpetuate ideologies of racialization. Colonization and the Slave Trade are evidence of the racial categories maintained today. Scientific knowledge is the basis of the social construction of race and Whiteness. Intersectionality (whether representational, structural, or political discourses) provides another analysis tool for dissecting how people experience injustices and marginalization in compounding ways. These modules analyze how society, history, and discourse have created systems of inequalities in sex, gender, and race that are rooted in othering and finding differences among people. A way to alter the discourses of these issues is to have new knowledge produced that does so with an awareness and advocacy of equality.

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