

2014-2015 Sabbatical Leave Report wilsonsabbaticalleavereport


Nov. 20 Thanksgiving, Holidays, and Native American stereotypes (including a discussion on mascots). Wabanki Voices, hosted by Donna Loring.  Interview on WERU radio, Bangor, Maine with D. Ranco, J. Bisonette, R. Sockbeson, and A. Wilson.

Nov. 5  Slave Day is Saskatchewan Schools? Time to put an end to this archaic practice.  Interview on CBC radio.

Nov. 5  Aboriginal Education for Nursing Students. NEPS 427, College of Nursing.

Nov. 1  National Aboriginal Women’s Summit on Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women, CBC National News, reporter Tiar Wilson.

Nov. 3   Anti-racist Education: How far will you go? Keynote Presentation, SAFE Conference

Oct. 28  Truth and Reconciliation, United Church Presentation, Oskayak School, Saskatoon.

Interconnecting isms: Race, gender and homophobia STARS blog