Selected Publications
Wilson, Alex (2013). How we find ourselves: Identity development and two-spirit people. In Ferguson, S. (Ed.), Race, gender, sexuality and social class. Dimensions of inequality. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Wilson, A. & Battiste, M. (2012). Environmental scan of educational models supporting Aboriginal post-secondary education. Paper prepared for the Commonwealth of Australia.
Wilson, Alex (2012). How our stories teach. Braiding Histories Curriculum Project. Manitoba Museum, Winnipeg, MB.
Book Chapters
Wilson, Alex (2009). N’tacimowin inna na: Our Coming in stories. In Montour, P & Maguire, P. (Eds.) First Voices: An Aboriginal Women’s Reader. Toronto: Inanna Publications.
Wilson, A. & Pence, E. (2006). US legal interventions in the lives of battered women: An Indigenous assessment. In Smith, D. E. (Ed.), Institutional ethnography as practice. Toronto: Rowan and Littlefield.
Wilson, Alex. (2000). Two-spirit People. In Code, L. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of feminist theory. London: Routledge.
Wilson, Alex. (1998). How we find ourselves: Identity development and two-spirit people. In Gelfond, H. & Woyshner, C. (Eds. ), Minding women: Reshaping the educational realm. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Educational Review.
Wilson, A., & Pence, E. (2010). US Legal Interventions in the lives of battered women: An Indigenous Assessment. Part 1. Justice as Healing, 15(1).
Wilson, A., & Pence, E. (2010). US Legal Interventions in the lives of battered women: An Indigenous Assessment. Part 2. Justice as Healing, 15(2).
Wilson, Alex. (Spring 2009) Two-spirit identity. Directions: Research and Policy on Eliminating Racism 5(1).
Wilson, A. & Sarson, J. (Spring 2009). Can Institutional systems learn to listen? Directions: Research and Policy on Eliminating Racism 5(1).
Wilson, Alex . (Winter/Spring 2009). N’tacimowin inna na: Our coming in stories. Women Studies, Volume 26 (3,4), 193-199.
Wilson, Alex. (Winter 2009). Coming in: Native American two-spirit people. Winds of Change: Journal of American Indian Education and Opportunity.
Wilson, A. and Sarson, J. (2008). Literature review on participation of Aboriginal students in postsecondary health education programs in Saskatchewan. Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health 6(3).
Wilson, A. (Spring 2005). Living well: Aboriginal women, cultural identity and wellness. Centre for Excellence for Women’s Health Research, Volume 4(2), 6-8.
Wilson, A. (2002) Love and Leadership. Winds of Change: Journal of American Indian Education and Opportunity, Volume 2, 76-78.
Wilson, A. (1998). How our stories are told. Canadian Journal of Native Education, Volume 22 (2).
Wilson, Alex. (1996). How we find ourselves: Identity development and two-spirit people. Harvard Educational Review, Volume 66(2), 303-317.
Gachupin, M., Wilson, A., Lee, A., & Hernandez, N. (1995). Meeting the challenge: Overcoming the odds. Canadian Journal of Native Education, Volume 21(2), 70-82.