NGC 2808

NGC 2808 is an old age cluster in the southern constellation Carina. It is one of the largest star clusters in the Milky Way galaxy containing over a million stars across three separate generations of stars which were all born within 200 million years of the formation of the cluster. For NGC 2808 to contain […]

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NGC 2112

NGC 2112, or Collinder 76, is an old open cluster in the Orion constellation. Since it is located near the celestial equator, it is partially visible from both hemispheres during certain times of the year. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1786. It is believed that NGC 2112 is one of the oldest open […]

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NGC 5281

NGC 5281 is a young age cluster in the southwest constellation Centaurus. It was discovered by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in 1751-1752. It can be seen with the naked eye under dark skies as a 6th magnitude star, making it an accessible object for amateur astronomers without the need for telescopes. The cluster’s brightest stars […]

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NGC 6025

NGC 6025, also known as Caldwell 95, is an intermediate open cluster locatedĀ Ā in the Southern constellation Triangulum Australe. It was discovered in 1751 by Abbe Lacaille during his expedition to the Cape of Good Hope. In a study done by M.J.Rain et al., (2021), a new Gaia-based catalogue of blue stragglers in open clusters was […]

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NGC 2335

The Gateway to the Seagull Nebula(IC 2177), NGC 2335 is an open star cluster first discovered by William Herschel in 1785. This cluster is situated in a faint constellation near the equator, named Monoceros and is home to about 25 stars. It is anĀ intermediate cluster with an age of about 130 million years, located approximately […]

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NGC 2910

NGC 2910 NGC 2910 is a young open cluster located in the Vela constellation in the southern sky. It was first discovered in 1834 by British astronomer John Herschel, and is considered an I2p cluster in the Trumpler open cluster classification system. This means the stars are strongly concentrated, they have an average range in […]

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NGC 4609 | An Open Cluster in Crux

Introduction NGC4609, alternatively recognized as Caldwell 98, is a young open cluster within the southern constellation of Crux – a cross-shaped asterism often referred to as the Southern Cross. A fascinating fact about the Crux constellation is that it is widely used as a national and distinctive symbol in many countries (Wikipedia contributors, 2024). Figure […]

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NGC 2439 | Astr 113

NGC 2439 is a young, open cluster of 824 stars in the Southern constellation Puppis. It was catalogued by Per Collinder in 1931 and has unusually low extinction leading some to argue that the cluster doesn’t exist at all Kaltcheva 2001. In order to study NGC 2439 I collected 15 images using the Prompt6 telescope, […]

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NGC 3680 Cluster

NGC 3680 is an intermediate age, open cluster located in the Southern constellation Centaurus. It was first discovered by Scottish astronomer James Dunlop in 1826 and is estimated to be over 1.2 billion years old. Interestingly, the NGC 3680 star cluster was classified as containing less than 50 stars, yet the number of stars making […]

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