NGC 6025 – Caldwell 95

You can visit the Astromancer link here My chosen star cluster is NGC 6025, or otherwise known as its designation in the Caldwell catalogue – Caldwell 95. Amongst the Caldwell designation, there have been many other categorizations of this star from Collinder, Melotte, Lacaille III, and Dunlop. (Wiki, 2024) NGc 6025 is a intermediate open […]

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NGC 2323 Cluster Analysis

NGC 2323, also known as Messier 50 (M 50), is an intermediate, open cluster in the constellation Monoceros. It was discovered in 1772 by Charles Messier, but its sighting was also recorded before 1711 by G.D. Cassini. As it was often described as having a “heart-shaped figure“, NGC 2323 earned itself the nickname of Heart-Shaped […]

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NGC 2627

Ngc 2627 is a star cluster, in terms of human years. For stars, 1.6 billion years is not really all that old, which would place it closer to being an intermediately aged star cluster. It can be found within the  constellation of Pyxis, though only about 15 stars are going to be visible with the […]

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Caldwell 88 (NGC 5823)

Introduction Caldwell 88, or NGC 5823, is located in the southern constellation of Circinus, in the edge of the border with the constellation Lupus. It is an intermediate open star cluster that is not currently visible in north Saskatchewan, since it lies so far south it never crosses the horizon. Background The cluster was first […]

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