NGC 2516: The Southern Beehive

Many star clusters observable with the naked eye rest in the sky today. One such open cluster idling south of the celestial equator is NGC 2516. The young age cluster NGC 2516 can be found within the Southern Hemisphere’s Carina constellation. Originally discovered by the 1751 French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille while on the African Cape […]

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NGC 2477

NGC 2477 is an intermediate open cluster located in the Southern constellation Puppis. However, because of it’s compact and spherical shape it can be easily mistaken for a globular cluster. Another interesting fact about the shape of NGC 2477 is that it is often thought to resemble an electric guitar and is even sometimes identified […]

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NGC 2567

NGC 2567 is an intermediate age, open star cluster located in the Puppis constellation, in the southern hemisphere of the celestial sky. It is located south of the Ecliptic. It was discovered by William Herschel on March 4th, 1793 and is located 1,677 parsecs from Earth. A study by Juan J. Claria and Emilio Lapasset […]

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    NGC 5749 is an intermediate-age cluster in the Southern constellation of Lupus. It was first discovered by James Dunlop in 1826 but also observed by John Hershel in 1834. It is located roughly 3,262 light years from the sun and is considered to be a poorly populated cluster that shows a low level […]

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