Liminality, or what’s in the space between the roles of librarian and researcher

by Virginia Wilson
Director, Centre of Evidence Based Library and Information Practice

I’ve been fascinated by the idea of liminal space ever since my undergrad in English at the U of S. I believe it was first brought to my attention by Professor Parkinson in either a Medieval English or a Fantasy class. It was summertime, anyway. At the time, it came up in the Victor Turner cultural anthropology sense around rites of passage. Then there’s this definition of “liminal” in the Oxford English Dictionary online:

Liminal: Characterized by being on a boundary or threshold, esp. by being transitional or intermediate between two states, situations, etc. (OED online)

My two states or situations are that of librarian and researcher. One of the main reasons I wanted to work in an academic setting was the idea that I could conduct research; that I could be an academic as well as a librarian. That’s always been a strong appeal for me. I was lucky in that the University of Saskatchewan Library has a robust requirement for research that I’ve embraced. In my 9 years at the U of S, I’ve discovered that many of my colleagues also have been attracted to the research component, although it’s not all easy, all the time.

What I like about the idea of liminality is that it can be either/or and both/and. I can be either a librarian or a researcher. I can be both a librarian and a researcher. I can wear one hat. I can wear two hats. (/Dr. Suess) There’s a flexibility in the space between being a librarian and a researcher. It contains both and it’s fluid and constantly shifting. That seems to suit the current climate, doesn’t it? Change is the new black so you might as well hunker down and hang on as best you can. But it’s not about just hanging on. It’s surviving and thriving in that mysterious liminal space between librarian and researcher. How?

I’ve been thinking, writing, and doing research about librarians as researchers for a couple of years now, and I started within my own context. I first thought about why librarians do research. The first things I came up with (and remember, this is from out of my own head based on what I was experiencing myself – going for tenure and promotion as a librarian faculty member) was “so that we can get tenure and then promotion” and then “because we have to.” There wasn’t a lot of talk about other reasons to conduct research. The academic requirements are vast and at times overpowering. Well, that didn’t seem to be enough, or sustainable! There had to be more of a reason to do research other than the fact that we need to do research to get tenure. No wonder librarians can feel uneasy about the research process. There’s this constant need to quantify so we can put together the right basket of goodies in order to move forward in our careers. What we need to unpack is what is underneath the output. We need the why before we can get to the how and the what of research.

While it is important to have guidelines on what requirements need to be met, attention needs to be given to the other aspects of why research is important, and important in our academic context. It’s important outside of the academic context, too. To me, the focus on LIS research should be on research as it enriches our discipline, enables our practice, and contributes to our immediate communities and beyond. I sometimes get the sense that we might not feel a part of the University research landscape. No, we are not researching new vaccines, or cures for diseases, or ways to conserve water, or feed hungry people. But our research, research as it pertains to our practice as librarians, can enrich the profession as a whole. With a mandate for research, librarians here are in a unique position to be able to pursue their research interests, research various areas of practice, and implement research findings in order to better serve our user groups on and off campus. And as practitioner-researchers, we come at things from the perspective of practice. We’re not looking at issues from a wholly theoretical vantage point, although our research can indeed be theoretical. We’re in the trenches, doing the work, and finding ways to get things done. We’re existing in that liminal space between librarian and researcher, where the lines are blurred and we’re wearing both hats simultaneously. When librarian-research is set alongside research coming from LIS scholars, I think we can get a more complete picture.

If research is perceived to be a meaningful process by which we add to the body of knowledge in our field and contribute to our professional practice, we as librarian-researchers can perhaps have an easier relationship with our research pursuits. Adding meaning for ourselves and seeing the larger value of our research endeavours can add focus to our tasks as researchers and provide comfort in our liminal space.

This article gives the views of the author(s) and not necessarily the views of the Centre for Evidence Based Library and Information Practice or the University Library, University of Saskatchewan.

Welcome to the Launch of Brain-Work, C-EBLIP’s Blog!

by Virginia Wilson
Director, Centre for Evidence Based Library and Information Practice.

The Centre for Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (C-EBLIP) officially came into being on July 1, 2013, created by the University Library, University of Saskatchewan, for the benefit of the University Library. C-EBLIP’s mission in brief is to support librarians as researchers and to promote evidence based library and information practice. And while activities have been held over the past year particularly for University Library librarians (i.e. workshops, seminars, a journal club, and discussion groups) there are some activities that look outwards from the local context. C-EBLIP recognizes the benefits of engaging with librarians and libraries outside of our own milieu as a way to facilitate collaboration, sharing, and idea creation, as well as to contribute to the development of a national culture of research amongst academic librarians and libraries. If the messages and the methods stray further than the national context, so much the better!

That said, welcome to Brain-Work’s summer 2014 launch! Brain-Work, the C-EBLIP blog, is a multi-authored blog (although this summer you’ll mostly hear from me) broadly covering topics related to research, evidence based library and information practice, and librarianship. This blog is inspired by the London School of Economics’ The Impact Blog ( as well as Scholarly Kitchen ( and other topnotch multi-authored, academic blogs. The blog title, Brain-Work, comes from a Sherlock Holmes quote in Arthur Conan Doyle’s book, The Sign of the Four. In it, Holmes states, “I cannot live without brain-work. What else is there to live for?” Holmes also asserts, in A Study in Scarlet, that “there is nothing like first-hand evidence.” So despite some of his more extreme character traits, Sherlock Holmes seems like a good muse for this blog.

Why a blog?

Academic blogging is becoming more popular and more prevalent. Martin Weller states that “in terms of intellectual fulfillment, creativity, networking, impact, productivity, and overall benefit to [his] scholarly life, blogging wins hands down.” ( Mark Carrigan reminds us that “academic blogging does not take place in a vacuum. It is grounded in existing research and expertise. The flexibility it affords allows this relationship to be a dynamic one – blogging can be underwritten by research conducted, in progress or is merely planned. It also provides a degree of space and freedom to extend beyond the realms of research.” ( Librarians at the University of Saskatchewan are faculty members with requirements for research and publication tied to tenure and promotion activities and an obligation as academic citizens to create and disseminate new knowledge. This blog is an in-between space that allows for certain types of discourse that run beyond or prior to the traditional journal article or conference presentation.

The intent of this blog is to be a space for thoughts and ideas that perhaps are not yet ready for research or a more formal journal article. It will be a space for our voices to be heard, and a space that allows us to explore our ideas in a more public forum. Not only will it be beneficial to librarians internal to the University Library, it will also be an activity (like the C-EBLIP Fall Symposium: Librarians as Researchers) that turns outward and engages with people from outside of the University Library.

Raising issues, discussing current events and trends, mulling stuff over – all will be welcome on this blog. We are anticipating posts that have some depth and substance, and that can get readers thinking and ideally participating in a conversation. This blog will be written by folks internal to our library. As well, guests from other areas and other institutions will contribute blog posts. The guest posters will be designated as Adjunct Members of C-EBLIP. I’m pleased to announce that Frank Winter and David Fox, Librarians Emeriti to the University Library, and Denise Koufogiannakis from the University of Alberta are our first Adjunct Members and will be participating in Centre blogging activities. If you would like more information about participating as an Adjunct Member, contact me at Comments are welcome and stay tuned for the next posting as we anticipate a weekly Tuesday post.

This article gives the views of the author(s) and not necessarily the views of the Centre for Evidence Based Library and Information Practice or the University Library, University of Saskatchewan.

C-EBLIP Blog is Coming Soon

The Centre for Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (C-EBLIP) resides in the University Library (Murray building), University of Saskatchewan. It will also soon reside online, right here! Watch this space.