GWF currently has several new employment opportunities to advance mechanistic model simulations of hydrological processes across Canada and the world. Current opportunities include the science coordinator for the Core Modelling Team, two research scientists, eight postdoctoral scholars, four PhD students, and one model improvement specialist.
Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work for the largest water modelling project ever conducted in Canada, with global scope, working with GWF Director John Pomeroy, GWF Core Modelling Co-leads Al Pietroniro and Martyn Clark, and other faculty across the GWF partner universities. Even though these are primarily modelling positions, researchers will be encouraged to become involved in field studies in well-instrumented research basins that are located in the spectacular landscapes of western Canada. Work locations include the Canmore Coldwater Laboratory in the Canadian Rocky Mountains and Innovation Place on the University of Saskatchewan campus in Saskatoon; one post will at the Université de Québec a Montréal. Further positions will be posted for deployment at other GWF partner universities.
Positions include:
- Science coordinator for core modelling.
- Research scientists (2)
- Postdoctoral scholars in Planetary Water Prediction (7)
- Postdoctoral scholar in convection-permitting climate modelling
- PhD students in computational hydrology (4)
- Model improvement specialist
Duration: These are term positions up until August 31, 2023, commencing as soon as possible.