Climate Crisis: Elephants in the Room are Getting Nastier
Robert Sandford
Inter Press Service News Agency
May18, 2021
The year 2020 will forever be notorious for the COVID-19 pandemic but it might also be known by historians for a precipitous rise in second order climate change consequences — a new elephant in the room.
Familiar first order consequences, as documented in the World Meteorological Organization’s most recent State of the Global Climate report in April (at, were the ongoing temperature rise over land and sea, melting sea ice and glaciers, higher sea levels, and changes in precipitation patterns.
Also in 2020, continuing a decade-long trend: widespread drought, heat waves, wildfires, cyclones, and flooding, especially in Africa and Asia but also in South America and the United States.
All these led to the second order consequences: Greater food insecurity and an accelerated explosion in involuntary human migration and displacement worldwide.
Read the article here: Climate Crisis: Elephants in the Room are Getting Nastier | Inter Press Service (