Sites FAQ

How do I get my own USask Site in WordPress?
Complete the form for Get Your Own USask Site and ICT will generate your account and provide you with your new USask Site.
How do I log in to USask Sites?
Click on the LOGIN item in the top menu of OR enter in your preferred browser. You’ll be prompted by a familiar CAS Login page where you can enter your USask NSID and Password for access to your site.
What if I want to switch the WordPress theme given to me as a default?
Switching your WordPress (WP) theme is easy. In your site Dashboard click on Appearance > Themes to see all the themes available. You can preview and activate new themes from this same page. Note: Be aware that changing themes may require some features and pages to be updated due to the variety of theme options available in WP.
Can I use a different WordPress theme than the ones already available on the network, or purchase a different theme?
Adding new themes to the USask Sites network requires the formal submission of a New LTE Tool Request, and is subject to approval. Note that a subscription-based theme is unlikely to be approved based on the complications that this financial arrangement would require.
Can I add plugins that are different than the ones already available on the network, or purchase a new plugin?
Adding new plugins to the USask Sites network requires the formal submission of a New LTE Tool Request, and is subject to approval. Note that a subscription-based plugin is unlikely to be approved based on the complications that this financial arrangement would require.
Are there Independent Learning Resources available for WordPress?
WordPress is a VERY popular open source platform with thousands of how-to videos and tutorials available online. A quick Google search should find what you’re looking for, or is a good place to start.
Are there Supported Learning opportunities for WordPress?
The instructional designers within the Flexible Learning & Technology (FLT) team at the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning (GMCTL) have been using WordPress for a variety of projects since 2013. They would be happy to help answer questions about how WordPress might be a valuable tool in your teaching and learning activities at USask. You can email and the FLT team will try and help you find solutions to your specific problem.
Who should I contact if I'm having technical issues with my USask Site?
ICT can help you resolve technical issues including problems with login or access. Contact with any login issues. Note: The variety and complexity of WordPress plugins and theme features is vast. You will need to be proactive in finding solutions to how the features and functions of these themes and plugins work online. Good digital literacy means developing good troubleshooting skills on your part.
How do I get Blogs for my whole class?
Generating blogs for an entire class is a great way to get students working in WordPress for reflective writing assignments and other active and open learning opportunities. Contact the instructional designers within the Flexible Learning & Technology (FLT) team at the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning (GMCTL) to get started with you student blogging activities today. Contact for information.
What is H5P? How can I use WordPress to host these interactive learning materials for use in Canvas?
H5P is a free and open source collection of tools you can use to create interactive content. WordPress can host these interactive learning materials for use on your USask Site or even embed them in your Canvas course pages. See these blog posts from the FLT for information on how to get started with H5P.