Assessment and Evaluation

Sequencing an outcome

Summary: Align your course with clear goals! Learn how to sequence learning outcomes effectively to enhance student success and engagement.

Date of publishing: May 14, 2020

How do you breakdown a course outcome into manageable sections, or chunks, of information or action for students? What do students need to be able to do with automaticity before they can meet this learning outcome? Here is a template to help you in docx form:

Sequencing Template blank

Sequencing Template

A. My end goal is to have students be able to meet this specific learning outcome:
B. Therefore, I need students to be able to do these three (or more) sub-components, in this sequence below C. I will get them to practice and build their abilities in these subcomponents by doing these isolated activities. %
1) ->
2) ->
3) ->
D. Now that they have practiced these distinct and separate skills, I will have them comprehensively do this activity:
E. I will assess the cumulative work with this assessment tool:

Course Design Handbook

Planning templates and chunking

Implement and Evaluate

How to know how well what you did worked.

This resource is shared by Aditi Garg at the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning (GMCTL), University of Saskatchewan, under a CC BY-NC-SA license


# Learning Outcomes
# Constructive Alignment
# Course Design
# Curriculum Development

Image by OpenAI. (2024). A multi-panel cartoon pictograph showing stages of skill development for climbing a mountain [Digital image]. Retrieved from OpenAI DALL-E.

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