
  • General,  Open

    GMCTE YouTube Channel Filled With Open Resources

    [social_share/] [social-bio] The Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching Effectiveness, as a unit, is a proponent of “open” resources in education. We’ve created a number of digital and print resources that we’ve added Creative Commons licenses, we opened all of the content from our Introduction to Teaching Online course (another course will be open starting in the January 2014, but that will be discussed in a future blog post) and we help to educate the campus community about open access resources. In 2012, the GMCTE launched our YouTube channel where we have videos on a wide variety of topics including course design, experiential learning, flipped teaching, curriculum renewal, learning technologies, teaching…

  • Educational Technology,  General,  Open

    Open CourseWare at the U of S

    [social-bio] Are you teaching a class this term?  Would you consider opening some of your class resources to the public? Students thinking of taking your class next year could look up your notes to get a better idea of what to expect. People outside the university could find out more about what we do.  Your colleagues could learn more about what you do. Using the U of S Course Tools, you can hand-pick files within your course for sharing more widely. Every course using U of S Course tools has a built-in public view. By default, the public view is very limited, and you can chose to share as many…