Adventures In HGIS

  I have always been a lover of maps and cartography, ever since I was a child I was entranced by how someone could possibly create maps that were both practical and beautiful. When I learned that I could mix my world of studying history, with my love of staring at maps, I immediately jumped […]

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Black Power in Print

Black Power in Print is an online exhibit collaboration between the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and The Museum of Modern Art. The exhibit is currently available through this link:  Black history and Black artists have often been forgotten and excluded within the realms of academic history and public history as well. Exhibits often […]

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Clio Visualizing History

For this blog, I decided to look at the Clio Visualizing History project. I was drawn to the project specifically for the educational, and public history nature of the project. The Clio Visualizing History project is a digital history project and non-profit organization dedicated to engaging students, educators, researchers, and the public with topics that […]

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