Although a first offender, it is proportionate to the gravity of the fraudulent offences committed, that the Indigenous accused serve a custodial sentence and pay restitution and a fine in lieu of forfeiture.
Ms. Gloade committed two serious criminal fraudulent offences against the Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia [“Society”] in her capacity as the Executive Director. The Society is a non-profit, charitable organization that engages with vulnerable women and girls to foster reintegration, rehabilitation, personal empowerment and addresses the root causes of criminalization. The organization is dependant, in part, on donations from the community in its effort to fulfill its mandate of providing programs that support some of society’s most vulnerable women.
Ms. Gloade committed the offences while she herself was in a vulnerable state, as her marriage was failing and she was emotionally and financially stressed. The first offender principle requires that the sentencing judge exhaust all other dispositions, before imposing a custodial disposition (R v Stein, [1974] OJ No 93). The first offender principle has been codified in sections 718 and 718.2 of the Criminal Code.
As well, the Court in this matter considered the “sad life” principle. There is an evidentiary basis for its consideration, including the Pre-Sentence Report, the Gladue Report and the sentencing proposal report arising from Ms. Gloade’s Sentencing Circle. This principle also involves an offender to demonstrate a genuine interest in rehabilitation, for example successfully engaging in counselling or treatment. Cases that consider this principle often involve offenders who are victims of sexual or physical abuse, or have experienced a horrific upbringing.
There appears to be a very low risk for Ms. Gloade to re-offend as she has and continues to take the necessary steps to address the underlying causes of her emotional and financial stresses. Although this Court recognizes that rehabilitation is an important objective in the sentencing calculus, it must not be over-emphasized, as there is a real pressing need in this case for a denunciatory sentence as well as one directed at both specific and general deterrence.
All the relevant purposes and principles of sentencing have been considered by the Court in this matter, including the aggravating and mitigating factors, the Gladue factors, and that the sentence must be proportionate to the gravity of Ms. Gloade’s crimes and her degree of responsibility for having committed them. Ordering both restitution and a fine in lieu of forfeiture fulfills the Parliamentary intention of “giving teeth” to the sentencing provisions. She is also sentenced to 60 days to be served at the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility with a significant period of probation. As well, a Prohibition Order under s 380.2 is ordered that Ms. Gloade not seek, obtain or continue any employment, or become or be a volunteer in any capacity, that involves having authority over the real property, money or valuable security of another person for a period of ten years.