Campus Safety reminds everyone to safeguard their personal effects after a rash of thefts from across campus.
In the last couple of weeks Campus Safety has received several reports of personal effects being stolen from lockers, study areas, and computer labs.
Thefts of this type are crimes of opportunity. Complainants reports leaving items unattended for a period of a couple of minutes to several hours, and all end with the same result. Incidents have occurred in remote locations with little or no foot traffic to busy computer labs with full CCTV monitoring and dozens of witnesses.
Common sense is your biggest combatant to personal property theft. Never leave personal effects unattended for any period of time. Always secure office and laboratory areas when not in use. Avoid bringing to campus expensive personal items such as laptops, MP3 players, or research/educational data when you can avoid it – remember that the loss of this item is your responsibility and inconvenience.
Special Constables encourage the campus community to always carry some form of photo ID, and preferably U of S identification. Campus Safety enacts a proactive approach to off-hours use of the institution. Carrying proper identification aids both yourself and Campus Safety when verifying individuals in locked buildings after regular business hours.
Campus Safety has many other crime prevention initiatives, and officers are always available for presentations to interested campus groups. For more information, please visit the Campus Safety Web Page.