Date Rape Drugs

You can never be Careful enough when it comes to Date Rape Drugs.. All Three of the following drugs have been found here in Saskatoon so please read and take the necessary precautions…

The first Drug is GHB (Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate):
It is an odorless, colorless, liquid that acts on the central nervous system as a depressant/anesthesia. It is illegal in Canada. It is not produced or manufactured by any pharmaceutical company; instead it is made in illegal drug labs or by amateur chemists in their homes. It can be easily made with common and readily available ingredients and novice chemistry skills and the recipe is easy to find. Making, possessing and/or using this drug is illegal.
Most Common Effects include: amnesia, intoxication, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, amnesia, visual hallucinations, severe respiratory depression, and coma. GHB begins to take effect 10 – 15 minutes after ingestion. The effects last for 3 – 6 hours when taken without alcohol and 36 – 72 hours when mixed with alcohol or other drugs. In very high dosages unconsciousness, or even coma, can occur within 5 minutes. The Drug looks exactly like water!
The Second Drug is Ketamine:
It is a legal drug sold as a veterinary sedative or hospital grade anesthesia. When used in humans the drug acts as a dissociative anesthesia; it renders the user vaguely aware of, but comfortably detached from, all bodily sensations. The most common effects include; delirium, vivid hallucinations, cardiac excitement, mild respiratory depression, confusion, irrationality, violent or aggressive behavior, vertigo, ataxia, slurred speech, delayed reaction time, euphoria, thinking, altered body image, analgesia, amnesia, and coma. This depends on how it is ingested. When taken orally or nasally the effects take 10 – 20 minutes to be realized. When taken intravenously the effects are instantaneous. The effects last less than 3 hours and the drug is detectable in the system up to 48 hours depending on the method of ingestion. In undiluted form it looks like an off-white powder, in diluted form it looks like slightly cloudy water.
The Third Drug is Rohypnol:
A prescription sedative/depressant, the drug comes in pill form in .5, 1 and 2 milligram dosages. It is tasteless, colorless and odorless and can be crushed and added to any drink, including water, without detection.
The most common effects include; disinhibition and amnesia, excitability or aggressive behavior, decreased blood pressure, memory impairment, drowsiness, visual disturbances, semi-consciousness, dizziness, confusion, stomach disturbances, and urinary retention. It is quick acting, with noticeable effects occurring within 20 minutes of ingestion. Mixed without alcohol the effects last 8 – 12 hours, with alcohol the effects last longer, up to 36 hours. After ingestion it can be found in the blood stream for 24 hours and in urine samples for 48 hours. The pills are small and white with a split-pill line on one side and the word “ROCHE” with the number 1 or 2 in a circle stamped on the other. They are quickly dissolved in liquid especially when crushed first.
Saskatoon police and U of S Special Constables are warning women to take precautions when at a nightclub or party. That includes:
• Not accepting drinks from people they don’t know.
• Not drinking from bottles they don’t open themselves.
• Not leaving drinks unattended.
It is also recommend that women throw out any drinks that have been left unattended.