Operation Overdrive Targets Impaired Drivers

Traffic enforcement officers in Saskatchewan will be going into overdrive Dec. 15-17 to apprehend impaired drivers.

Operation Overdrive is the second province-wide coordinated traffic safety blitz. Police agencies across the province will be participating in the two-day blitz, with some agencies operating Dec. 15-16 and others on Dec. 16-17.

“Drinking and driving is the number one cause of fatal crashes in Saskatchewan,” said Andrew Cartmell, President and CEO of SGI. “Despite this alarming fact, some people still choose to drive impaired. Operation Overdrive helps raise public awareness that it is simply not acceptable to endanger the lives of others on the road by driving while impaired.”
A recent SGI survey conducted by Insightrix Research Inc. shows that 92 per cent of people in Saskatchewan feel impaired driving is a serious concern in the province. Last year alone there were more than 1,400 impaired driving collisions, resulting in more than 760 injuries and 69 deaths. 

“Operation Overdrive allows police agencies across the province to concentrate their efforts and emphasize the fact that if you choose to drink and drive, you will be caught,” said Chief Troy Hagen, President of the Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police. “However, apprehending impaired drivers is an ongoing focus of Saskatchewan law enforcement, no matter the time of year.

The province’s first coordinated traffic blitz, Operation HandsFree, took place in November and resulted in 207 drivers being fined for cellphone use while driving. A provincial blitz will be held each month targeting a particular traffic safety issue.