Undergraduate Diagnostic Imaging Fundamentals Open Textbook

Brent Burbridge, MD, FRCPC

Evan Mah, BSc (Kin)

Diagnostic Imaging principles and concepts are augmented by the presentation of imaging for common clinical conditions. Guiding principles related to minimizing radiation exposure and requesting the most appropriate imaging examination is addressed. Static images are enhanced by the ability to access images stored and displayed on an HTML-5 compatible, Dicom image viewer that simulates a simple Picture Archive and Communication system (PACS). Users can also access other imaging from the Dicom viewer (ODIN), beyond the basic curriculum provided, to further advance their experience with viewing diagnostic imaging pathologies.

Creative Commons License
This work, except where otherwise stated by a specific copyright statement, is courtesy of Dr. Brent Burbridge, MD, FRCPC, University Medical Imaging Consultants, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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The textbook is available to view with any web browser. An Internet connection is required to view the material.