Presentations by candidates for faculty posts in the Global Institute for Water Security have been scheduled as follows:
Candidates for Post in Hydro-ecological Assessment or Modelling
Candidate 1
8:30 a.m., 24 May 2011: Room 144, Kirk Hall
Candidate 2
1:00 p.m., 31 May 2011: Room 2E25, Agriculture Building
Candidates for Post in Hydrometeorology and Climate Science
Candidate 1
1:00 p.m., 24 May 2011: Room 2E17, Agriculture Building
Candidate 2
11:00 a.m., 26 May 2011: Room 2E17, Agriculture Building
Candidate 3
1:00 p.m., 30 May 2011: Room 2E25, Agriculture Building
Candidates for Post in Statistical Hydrology and Stochastic Processes
Candidate 1
8:30 a.m., 27 May 2011: Room 2E17, Agriculture Building
Candidate 2
1:00 p.m., 7 June 2011: Room 2C01, Engineering Building
Candidate 3
1:00 p.m., 8 June 2011: Room 2C01, Engineering Building
A Q&A session will follow each presentation.