Lunchtime Seminar on IP3 Modelling – Friday 7 October

The Centre for Hydrology is pleased to present a hydrology seminar by Muluneh Mekonnen, IP3 Post-Doc, from 12:30 to 1:15pm on Friday 7 October 2011, in AGRI 1E69, entitled IP3’s combined top-down and bottom-up modelling approach using MESH and CRHM as complementary modelling platforms
The IP3 (Improving Processes and Parameterization for Prediction in Cold Regions Hydrology) network came to a successful end in September 2011, leaving a legacy of extensive cold regions processes, parameterization and prediction research work.
IP3’s strategic goal was to attain a more comprehensive physical description of cold regions processes and parameterizations, at regional and smaller scales, for improved prediction within hydrological and hydro-meteorological models such as the Cold Regions Hydrological Model (CRHM) and the Community Environmental Hydrology Land-Surface modelling system, known as MESH.
This seminar presents an application of the combined top-down and bottom-up hydrological modelling approach, using MESH and CRHM as complementary modelling platforms, for the South Saskatchewan River Basin (SSRB) and the Upper Assiniboine River Basin (UARB). In addition to cold regions processes, the SSRB and UARB are characterized by the prairie pothole topography that brings in the additional complexity of shrinking and expanding horizontal flow contributing areas.
The seminar will highlight two key points:
1) How to build a model with relatively minimal complexity whose prediction is commensurate with observations, and
2) How to use the Grouped Response Units approach for physically based parameter regionalization.
Feel free to bring your lunch!