Nicholas Kinar Defends PhD Thesis

CH PhD student Nicholas Kinar successfully defended his thesis, tiled Acoustic Measurement of Snow, on 18 December 2013.

His research developed a novel acoustic method for the accurate measurement of snow water equivalent, density, wetness and temperature in seasonal snowpacks. This is expected eventually to supplant the snow tube and perhaps the snowpit as a primary means of measuring snow properties for hydrological and other snow applications – perhaps one of the most significant advances in snow measurement technology in our generation.

His committee was composed of external examiner Dr HP Marshall of Boise State University, chair, Dr Xulin Guo (U of S), members Dr Phil Marsh (Wilfred Laurier University), Dr Bing Si (U of S), Dr Doug Degenstein (U of S) and Dr John Pomeroy (U of S)

Congratulations, Nicholas!