Prize-Winning Faculty and Students

Graduate students and faculty associated with the Centre for Hydrology have done exceptionally well in winning awards and scholarships in 2014 and deserve recognition for their success. With top prizes for senior scientist at the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) and graduate students at CGU and the Society of Wetland Science, top thesis awards at the MSc and PhD levels from the University of Saskatchewan, four NSERC PhD scholarships, five Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarships and a rare Becas Chile PhD scholarship for overseas training there is much to be proud of for these fine scholars. Congratulations.

List of awards and scholarships received in 2014:

Centre Faculty

  • Professor Phil Marsh – Tuzo Wilson Medal from the Canadian Geophysical Union: this is the CGU’s highest award

Centre Graduate Students

  • Chris Marsh
    Stan Paterson Scholarship in Canadian Glaciology from the Canadian Geophysical Union
    – NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (PhD)
    – 2014 Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarship
  • Phillip Harder
    – NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD)
    – 2014 Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarship
    University of Saskatchewan Graduate Thesis Award (Master’s)
  • Nicolas Leroux
    – 2014 Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarship
  • Dhiraj Pradhananga
    – 2014 Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarship
  • Kabir Rasouli
    – NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (PhD)
  • Nikolas Askamit
    – 2014 Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarship
    – J.H. Richards Graduate Award, 2013-14
  • Dan Karran
    – NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship
    – J.H. Richards Graduate Award, 2013-14
  • Jason Mercer
    – Society of Wetland Science Student Research Grant.
  • Sebastian Krogh
    – Becas-Chile PhD Scholarship
  • Nicholas Kinar
    University of Saskatchewan Graduate Thesis Award (Doctorate)