Pomeroy to Chair and Present at UN Climate Change and Water Workshop

Professor John Pomeroy has been invited to chair sessions and present at the UNESCO International Workshop on Climate Change Impacts on Snow, Glacier and Water Resources: Multidisciplinary Network for Adaptation Strategies (www) to be held 6-7 November at the International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change in Koblenz, Germany.

Pomeroy’s talk will be on Alpine snow hydrology and the International Network for Alpine Research Catchment Hydrology – water towers for the world. The talk will outline the activities of a new collaborative research network led by Pomeroy, INARCH – the International Network for Alpine Research Catchment Hydrology.

Research contributing to INARCH is taking place in the Americas, Europe and Asia and is demonstrating the tremendous sensitivity of alpine water supplies to climate warming. By better observations and modelling of mountain snowpacks and their melt, INARCH hopes to identify the most vulnerable mountain snowpacks and the implications of their loss for downstream water supplies.

The Workshop will inform UN climate change policy and the International Hydrological Programme activities relating to sustainable water supply. The UN’s overall aim for the Workshop is to connect scientific research, policy development and action, and identify recommendations to enhance the interface between science and policy to develop sustainable adaptation strategies.