NGC 2343

NGC 2343 is an open cluster in the Monoceros constellation located on the celestial equator. Its location makes it partly visible in both hemispheres during certain times of the year. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1785. According to, there is a possibility of seeing some of the stars with the naked eye […]

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IC2395 is one of the youngest and brightest open clusters in our galaxy, and is located in the southern constellation of Vela. IC2395 is thought to be around 50 million years old and about 500 light-years from Earth. Its discovery is accredited to French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille who is said to observed it first […]

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NGC 4833

Globular clusters are fascinating objects that have captured the attention of astronomers of all skills and backgrounds for centuries. There are over 150 known globular clusters in the Milky way. These clusters are made of thousands to millions of stars that are gravitationally bound together. One of these worth exploring is NGC4833. This old globular […]

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    NGC 5749 is an intermediate-age cluster in the Southern constellation of Lupus. It was first discovered by James Dunlop in 1826 but also observed by John Hershel in 1834. It is located roughly 3,262 light years from the sun and is considered to be a poorly populated cluster that shows a low level […]

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IC 1590 and the Pac-Man Nebula

Introduction IC 1590 is a young, open star cluster estimated to be (3.5±0.2) x 106 years old, and is located in the Cassiopeia constellation. IC 1590 resides within the nebulosity of NGC 281, which was discovered by the astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard in August 1883. NGC 281 is sometimes called the ‘Pac-Man’ nebula because of […]

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NGC 2627

Ngc 2627 is a star cluster, in terms of human years. For stars, 1.6 billion years is not really all that old, which would place it closer to being an intermediately aged star cluster. It can be found within the  constellation of Pyxis, though only about 15 stars are going to be visible with the […]

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NGC 5617

NGC 5617 is an open cluster in the Southern constellation Centaurus and was discovered by James Dunlop in 1826. NCG 5617 forms a binary open cluster with Trumpler 22. Its age is estimated to be 82 million years old, classifying it as an intermediate age cluster. The cluster has a concentration of heavy stars in […]

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Caldwell 88 (NGC 5823)

Introduction Caldwell 88, or NGC 5823, is located in the southern constellation of Circinus, in the edge of the border with the constellation Lupus. It is an intermediate open star cluster that is not currently visible in north Saskatchewan, since it lies so far south it never crosses the horizon. Background The cluster was first […]

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