What We Do
What We Can Help With
Online Course Design
Online Instructional Strategies
Educational Technology
Open Textbooks
Copyright Compliance
Open Pedagogy
How Your Course Can Be Delivered
Online (Blackboard 9)
These are degree-level, certificate, and continuous intake classes that are offered entirely online or may have substantial online components. Online classes hosted in the Blackboard 9 (BB9) Learning Management System offer the advantage of being tied directly into the PAWS system. This means that student registration systems, grading, and communications tools all work seamlessly to reduce the administrative tasks of the instructor.
Together with an integrated design plan BB9 offers a variety of tools to help develop interactive and engaging learner experiences including:
- Video Streaming Server (ShareStream)
- Synchronous Web Conferencing (Blackboard Collaborate)
- Mash-ups (YouTube)
- Quiz tools
- Discussion forums
- Student performance tracking
- More...
Online (WordPress)
Independent Studies
Who We Are: The ID Team

Julie Maier, B.Ed, B.Sc, M.Ed
Instructional DesignerBefore joining the DEU team, Julie worked as an Adult Education math and science teacher in the regional college system, becoming familiar with the many barriers faced by rural students while constantly seeking technological tools and flexible pedagogical approaches to reduce and eliminate them. When designing online and distance education solutions, she strives to deliver solid pedagogy with seamless and purposeful technological integration, while always considering the needs and wants of the students who will soon learn and work within the environment created.
Email: julie.maier@usask.ca
Phone: 966-5570

JR Dingwall, B.Ed, M.Ed
Instructional Designer-bio coming soon-
Email: jr.dingwall@usask.ca
Phone: 966-5562

Kristine Dreaver-Charles, B.Ed, M.Sc.Ed
Instructional Designer-bio coming soon-
Email: kristine.dreavercharles@usask.ca
Phone: 966-6080

Jordan Epp, BFA, M.Ed
Instructional DesignerJordan’s research interests include digital literacy and citizenship, open education, remix culture, social learning environments and strategies for employing connectivist theories in online learning. With a background in Media Production (BFA) and a M.Ed. in Educational Technology and Communications, Jordan is a strong believer in disruptive technologies and the language of media as a tool for teaching and learning.
Email: jordan.epp@usask.ca
Phone: 966-5357

Robb Larmer
Instructional Technologies Coordinator (ICT)Robb Larmer is our technical translator, Blackboard bug slayer, and intermediary for all things {code}. Robb provides the Instructional Design (ID) Team with support, consultation, and solutions around learning technologies. As our liaise between the ID Team and ICT, Robb translates our needs into technical solutions. Robb also works closely with Faculty and Instructors as they prepare for the pilot delivery of their new development and ensures they are comfortable with the tools and technologies in which their curriculum has been designed.
Email: robb.larmer@usask.ca
Phone: 966-1739

Cindy Klassen
ID Assistant / Copyright CoordinatorCindy works tirelessly to create and maintain the copyright records for every image, figure, chart, table, article, video, file, and folder that requires copyright clearance. With literally thousands of spreadsheet pages under her belt, Cindy’s knowledge and experience is immeasurably valuable to the development process. Finding solutions for clearing important materials the Copyright Coordinators uses her understanding of the University’s Fair Dealing Guidelines, Creative Commons Licenses, Open Educational Resources (OERs) and their relationship with the U of S copyright office to ensure that our clients have a course that is not only compliant with copyright law and policies, but provides the best quality materials to students.
Email: cindy.klassen@usask.ca
What Our Instructors Say
At times it is really difficult to imagine how your face-to-face course will translate to online delivery, especially if the class is really interactive or experiential in nature. However, the instructional designers provide wonderfully detailed templates and accompanying guidance that take the subject matter experts through the design process in a manageable way. Trusting in the process allowed us to design modules that will not only facilitate rich student learning in the online environment, but will also provide lots of resources and tools for teaching in person as well. No matter how you look at it, our course has become better!
Robin Alison Mueller, B.FA, M.CEd, PhD
Department of Educational Administration University of SaskatchewanThe ID team played a key role in transforming our vision into reality by helping us rethink and restructure the way we provide our pre-departure orientation. Their expertise ensured that key learning objectives, effectiveness and flexibility were taken into account at every step of the design process. With the help of this team, we now have a new set of engaging and relevant learning activities and a 24/7 accessible orientation that focuses more on the application of information than merely pouring it on students. As a subject matter expert I felt extremely supported by everyone. A daunting project turned out to be very manageable through their easy to follow step-by-step process.
Pirita Mattola
International Student and Study Abroad Centre, Student and Enrolment Services Division University of SaskatchewanWorking with Jordan and Jeanette on translating a face-to-face course to its online version was invaluable. I went into the process thinking that writing up our course would be pretty straightforward, and that while the instructional designers may be able to answer a question or two about the online format, we’d be able to whip it up pretty quickly. After the first couple of meetings with the IDs, I think we all realized that translating a course to its online version is no easy matter if you haven’t done it before. Jeanette and Jordan have worked so hard with us, have been very patient with us, and have given us good guidance. The quality of the course is much better than it would have been, and it’s safe to say that the deeper thinking about the course — spurred on by the IDs — is going to make the face-to-face version of the course much better, too.
Liv Marken
Lecturer, College of Arts and Science and University Learning Centre University of SaskatchewanMy first experience developing a course with (this team) has been very rewarding. The people are incredibly helpful, respectful and knowledgeable. The respect everyone on the team demonstrates towards each others’ areas of expertise and the ease of communication between members and with the course creator greatly facilitated course development. Everyone I have worked with has been helpful and timely in responses to queries. Overall, the team made the process educational, easy and enjoyable. My thanks to the team.
Dianne Winkelman-Sim, Ph.D (Genetics)
Sessional Lecturer, College of Agriculture and Bioresources, Dept. Animal and Poultry ScienceMy primary concern of translating the BMSC 200 course into an online format was to ensure that the quality of the course did not suffer for convenience of delivery. My concerns were completely unfounded. Thanks to the efforts of the Instructional Design team the course now has much better organization, presentation and student participation. Jordan and the team were a tremendous help at each step of generating the online course as well as ongoing support once the online class was up and running. Their experience and patience with the development and implementation of the online format was an incredible resource.
Scott Napper, Ph.D
Faculty, Dept. Biochemistry, University of Saskatchewan Program Manager and Research Scientist, VIDO-IntervacI had never developed an online course before and thought the process would be difficult and intimidating. The curriculum team, however, made it a very easy and enjoyable experience. They were accessible, efficient and friendly as well as having numerous helpful suggestions for what would work with an online environment. The finished product ended being a much better one thanks to their involvement.
Jason Zorbas, Ph.D
Sessional Lecturer, Department of Political Studies, Department of History, University of SaskatchewanI found that the curriculum team provided me with a helpful framework for the online course I developed. This addressed the key differences between teaching in-class and designing a course for online-only participation. They helped me to determine the full range of what the students needed in the online environment, especially in terms of anticipating many possible questions they may have, phrasing assignments in a clear way, ensuring that supplementary materials were properly provided, and integrating the variety of digital formats that go into an online course.
Dr. Jesse Stothers
Department of English, University of SaskatchewanHaving been involved in distance education for many years (correspondence courses dating back to 1982), and working with online courses since 2001, I have had the opportunity to experience the development process from many perspectives. With each course development and redevelopment I have seen improvements in design methods and new opportunities for presenting the material to the students. My most recent experience (GEOG 381 redevelopment) was one of my favourites. I felt that (the instructional design team) were very supportive of my ideas, but also very helpful in making suggestions and creating a product that I felt reflected what I wanted to see. The positive feedback from students further confirmed this. For me, it was another great learning experience.
Peter Goode
Sessional Lecturer, Dept. Geography, College of Arts & Science, University of SaskatchewanIt was consistently a pleasure working with the curriculum development team. Staff helped me envision my course in a much more vital and interactive fashion; they set up a template that was exactly what was needed, and were always there to troubleshoot. The team has a great positive can-do attitude. Together we made this course more fun, better suited to a full range of students, easier to manage, more modern, and of course, more current. And enrollment is up.