Online Learning Materials

Online Learning Materials

Online Learning Materials - An Overview

Whether you are teaching a synchronous or asynchronous course, students spend a large portion of their time and energy in a course interacting with the learning materials. Learning materials can be anything from books and articles, to videos, to interactive learning objects. The instructional design team can help you to curate and sequence, find and adopt openly licensed, and create learning materials for your course. Let us help you create powerful independent learning experiences through learner-content interaction design for your class.

Selecting Learning Materials

The learning materials in your online course typically will consist of artifacts that your students will interact with individually. Learning materials can include readings from books and journals, watching videos, listening to audio recordings, or engaging with an interactive learning object. Learn more about selecting materials for your online course.

Creating Learning Materials

Creating your own learning materials can provide your students with the specific lens you wish to showcase on a topic that may be overlooked in other materials. In addition, if you are using a variety of other learning materials in your course you can create your own materials that thread potentially desperate ideas together just as you do in a lecture. Instructor created videos are one way to achieve this, and there are many ways to create videos for your course. Learn more about creating your own learning materials for your online course.