6 Items Categorized "Captivate (Create interactive learning opportunities that engage)"

Create interactive learning opportunities that engage

Course Trailer

You have likely seen movie trailers; those short videos that are designed to capture the interest of the audience to get them interested in seeing movies.  You may…

Peer Review

Discussions may also be a great opportunity for learners to share their work and have their peers review it. This peer review of the learners’ composition could offer…

Discussions Online

Discussions are often a standard requirement in an online class. Traditionally a question is posed by the instructor, learners respond to the question and then reply to a…

Invited Expert (Discussion)

Perhaps you know an expert who would be interested in sharing their expertise by participating or leading a discussion with learners. This would allow learners an opportunity to…

Interactive Video – enhancing content and understanding

Description Videos may be enriched with interactive elements (listed below). Quiz questions support an adaptive approach to learning content, meaning that you can jump to another part of…

Digital Flash Cards – self-check and content review

You can create digital flashcards using H5P’s dialogue cards. These cards can be used for self-assessment for different kinds of concept or declarative learning. Each card can include…