8 Items Categorized "Collaborate (Acts as a platform for collaboration and co-creation)"

Acts as a platform for collaboration and co-creation

Mind Mapping

A mind map is a visual way to organize your thoughts or ideas.  Rather than writing down your ideas in paragraph form, a mind map allows the author…

Idea Sharing and Exchange (Discussion)

Using the discussion forum for sharing ideas or brainstorming about an issue is another opportunity to encourage innovation. Here learners could be encouraged to share and also to…

Peer Review

Discussions may also be a great opportunity for learners to share their work and have their peers review it. This peer review of the learners’ composition could offer…

Discussions Online

Discussions are often a standard requirement in an online class. Traditionally a question is posed by the instructor, learners respond to the question and then reply to a…

Content Quest (Discussion)

When you are introducing a new concept you may want to ask learners to search online for related content. This would be a great opportunity to share digital…

Case Study Focus (Discussion)

The instructor may have a case study they would like to focus a discussion on. Here the instructor would share the case study and learners would have an…

Assigned Roles (Discussion)

Just like discussions in face-to-face settings, occasionally you will run into one of two problems in threaded online discussions: Students won’t talk Students just swap personal opinions If…

Conversational Moves (Discussion)

Just like discussions in face-to-face settings, occasionally  you will run into one of two problems in threaded online discussions: Students won’t talk Students just swap personal opinions If…