Archive for March, 2020

Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

Why is English Germanic and not a Romance Language?

Miguel Dela Pena I was told even before this class, but also in an educational setting, that most of the English lexicon has Latin roots, and a few previous classes have discussed how Latin was a high-status language and was used in grammar schools in England, so I was confused why English is considered a […]

Saturday, March 28th, 2020

What’s in a Name?

Katherine Luneng Names have a huge significance in our society particularly, our first names. Names are connected to a large part of some individual’s identity. Has anyone ever mispronounced your name? How did you react or feel when they did that? Do you like all your nicknames? Does your name resemble another name that is […]

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

The Linguistic Treasure Trove of Twitter

Olivia Lenferna When most people think of Twitter, they simply view it as a place where people go to vent their thoughts, opinions and frustrations to the world in 270 characters or less. It is an avenue for celebrities, world leaders, organizations, and different public figures to interact with the world in a safe, controllable […]

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

An Analysis of the Changing Meanings of “Gothic” and “Goth” Throughout History

[anonymous] The word “Gothic” has both a complex history and a variety of meanings. Originally related to a variety of ancient Germanic tribes, the word slowly became a synonym for “barbaric” as time went on. During the early modern period, the term then became retroactively applied to architecture popularized in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, […]

Friday, March 13th, 2020

Gaelic Loanwords in Early Modern English

Mae McDonald With Ireland and Scotland close to parts of England, loanwords from Gaelic were bound to enter the English language in some way. Loanwords began to really pop up around the 14th century and slowly increased until the 20th century where there was a large drop. Focusing on the 16th century, there is a […]

Wednesday, March 11th, 2020

Historical Dating through a Pseudo Manuscript

Dale Couet *Please note that both the manuscript and the following narrative are fictitious and exist for aestical purposes. Þe lord scheweth his face to vs alle in þy endeles mercy þou heere our calle þauȝ þe shadowe of deeth couerethe me I will synge as fyr groweth on my tree by grace I feare […]

Sunday, March 8th, 2020

Alphabets, Phonemes, Linguistics, Oh My!: An Analysis of Learning Disabilities and Phonetic Awareness

Ashley LeKach Learning how to read can be hard. That is the simple, clearly unbiased, opinion of my own. However, individuals with a learning disability may struggle with phonetic awareness more than their neurotypical peers. Phonological awareness is “the broad awareness of the sound system of speech, including awareness of syllables, phonemes and rhyme” (Chera […]