Gelech, J. M., Wellsch, J., Smith, B., Mazurik, K., & Holt, P. (2024). “Overgrown Children” and Where to Find Them: Film Portrayals of Coresiding and Residentially Independent Siblings’ Developmental Maturity. Emerging Adulthood, 12(4), 580-596.
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2024). Sign here: Coresidence contracts for parents and young adults who live together. Family Relations, 73(3), 1625–1645.
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Smith, B. R. R., Mazurik, K., & Gelech, J. (2023). Individual, failing: an analysis of film portrayals of the causes of young adult coresidence from 2010–2020. Journal of Youth Studies, 1–20.
Prepub Manuscript BKJ
Mazurik, K., Williamson, L., Knudson, S. (2023). Socioeconomic differences in parental financial support, coresidence, and advice: A portrait of undergraduate students in the Canadian prairies. Canadian Review of Sociology, 1-23.
Mazurik Williamson Knudson-CRS 2023
Mazurik, K., Knudson, S., & Tanaka, Y. (2020). Stuck in the nest? A review of the literature on coresidence in Canada and the United States. Marriage & Family Review, 56(6), 491-512.
Mazurik et al. 2020
Mazurik, K. & Desjardins, M. (June, 2023). (June, 2023). Interacting through diverse styles of relatedness: Understanding coresident young adults’ parent-child relationships. [Paper presentation]. Canadian Psychology Association 84th Annual National Convention, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Kat - CPA presentation 2023
Wellsch, J., Gelech, J., & Mazurik, K. (June, 2023). Reading between the lines: Young adult and parent coresidence contracts and how they are perceived by Canadian young adults living at home. [Paper presentation]. Canadian Psychology Association 84th Annual National Convention, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Smith, B., Mazurik, K., & Gelech, J. (June, 2023). Sick and Selfish: Psychocentrism in Cinematic Depictions of Young Adult Coresidence [Paper presentation]. Canadian Psychology Association 84th Annual National Convention, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Brenan - Presentation (1)Mazurik, K., Williamson, L., & Knudson, S. (2021, June). Scaffolding undergraduates’ transitions to adulthood: Benefits of parental financial and housing support, oral presentation at Canadian Sociological Association Annual Conference, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
CSA - Financial prez v2
Mazurik, K. (2018, June). Principles and practices of care according to Canadian young adults living with their parent(s), oral presentation at Groves Conference on Marriage and Family, Portland.
Mazurik, K., & Desjardins, M. (2015, June). Culture, meaning, and social change: The status of home-leaving in Canada from a critical hermeneutic perspective, oral presentation at Canadian Sociological Association Annual Conference, Ottawa.
CSA ppt
Community Resources
Mazurik, K., Knudson, S., & Paul, L. (2019). Financial wellness for students and families (informational pamphlet). Prepared for University of Saskatchewan Student Wellness Centre in partnership with the University of Saskatchewan Student Wellness Centre and Canadian Home Economics Foundation. Link
Mazurik, K., Knudson, S., & Paul, L. (2019). Four things to know if you’re financially dependent on your parents. (6-minute YouTube video). Prepared for the Canadian Home Economics Foundation. Link