The Cosmic Microwave Background

Do you know that snowy screen you get on your television when you are between two channels? It’s just fuzzy white noise and it always made your fingers staticky when you moved them across the screen. Did you ever wonder what that actually was, or what caused it? The answer isn’t as mystical as anything […]

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The Bright Between the Stars

Introduction When we look up at the night sky, we see stars amongst a sea of black. At a time when the standard model of the universe was both infinitely large and old, a man named Heinrich Olbers wondered why the sky wasn’t a sea of white starlight.   Who was this Olbers guy, anyways? […]

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Investigating the possible effects of the VW Hydrae system due to the theoretical existence of a black hole or Neutron star in the system

By: Juan Manjarres, Kody Manstyrski, Kelsey Peppler, Mitch Dressler, Ricardo Rheeder Introduction to the VW Hydrae System VW Hydrae, first discovered by Cuno Hoffmeister in 1929 [1] within the Hydra constellation, is an Algol-type eclipsing binary system with an evolved secondary component. The system portrays a rapid period increase due to the possible presence of […]

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