Sound Post-Production
It's In The Can!
Editing & Mixing Your Masterpiece
Now that you've got your recordings in the can it's time to put the polish to them and make them shine. Adding a jingle to the front and back of a podcast, mixing levels to get that perfect blend of ambient, effects and dialogue, or just cleaning up some hum from the florescent lights can drastically improve any recording. let's take a look first at some mixing techniques in Audacity.
Editing in Audacity
- Zooming tools (you'll find yourself going in and out of your audio files often in a project
- Selection Tool
Screenshot from course author Jordan Epp - Other Tools
- Cut, Copy, Paste
- Trim and Silence Audio
Adding Another Track
Recording a Multiple Tracks
- Deciding where to begin your second track
- Time shift tool
- Re-sizing Tracks
Importing Other Tracks
- File > Import > Audio and then locate the file on your Hard Drive
- Adjust position using Time Shift tool
Mixing and Fading Tracks
- Individual track gain control
- View > Mixer Board
- Envelope Tool for fades
Here's another Demo of the same editing techniques discussed above from Dr. Jay Wilson