Weekly Challenges

Multimedia Training Camp

The weekly challenges give you an opportunity to train your Multimedia skills based on your interests and personal learning goals. Each week you'll have several options of training exercises to choose from. Each week you must choose a minimum of one challenge to improve your skills. Alternatively you may choose to create your own challenge and submit it to your instructor for approval. If approved your challenge will be added to the bank of weekly challenges so that other students may also try your idea.


Week One | Intro to Multimedia & Instructional Design

Instructional Design #W1C1

Have you ever encountered exceptional instructional design? From Lego or IKEA assembly diagrams to a DIY YouTube video on how to change the brake pads on a Honda Civic, there's great instructional design in every part of our lives. Share your experience of the Best or Worst instructional design you've ever encountered.

Steps to completion

  1. Write a summary explaining why the design worked or didn't work ~200 words
  2. Include images, links, or other media that helps the reader identify with your written words
  3. Post your summary with media to our Google Plus Community site
  4. Tag your post with #W1C1 so we can filter our searches in the community

Educational Multimedia #W1C2

Have you ever encountered exceptional educational multimedia? An interactive lab exercise perhaps, or a video series that really left an impression? Share your experience of the Best or Worst educational multimedia you've ever encountered.

Steps to completion

  1. Write a summary explaining why the multimedia piece worked or didn't work ~200 words
  2. Include images, links, or other media that helps the reader identify with your written words
  3. Post your summary with media to our Google Plus Community site
  4. Tag your post with #W1C2 so we can filter our searches in the community

Find and share #W1C3

Find and share an interesting article about the use of Multimedia in Education

Steps to completion

  1. Search the library, internet, or other sources to find a current and relevant article about the use of Multimedia in education.
  2. Write a summary of the articles key take-away points ~200 words
  3. Include images, links, or other media that helps the reader identify with your written words
  4. Post your summary with media to our Google Plus Community site
  5. Tag your post with #W1C3 so we can filter our searches in the community

Week Three | Digital Imaging

Visual Composition Study #W3C1

Go shoot some photos. Following the guidelines in the Composition Study: visual composition choose three of the elements of Visual Composition and shoot a photo that follows the rules or guidelines of each.

Steps to completion

  1. Choose 3 elements of visual composition to study
  2. Shoot a photograph study for each element
  3. Write a very short summary of how your photo follows the guideline or rule of the element
  4. Post your photographs and summaries to our Google Plus Community site
  5. Select #W3C1 as the category so we can filter our searches in the community

Aperture and Shutter Speed Study #W3C2

For this challenge you'll need access to a DSLR that allows you to change the aperture and shutter speeds manually. Set up, or find out in an environment, three objects with several feet of space between them. Using a focal length of 50mm or greater take the same picture three times using a different aperture or f-stop each time. Try the largest aperture available, something in the middle (f8) and one using the smallest aperture. You'll need to adjust shutter speeds and/or ISO settings on the camera in order to maintain a proper exposure.

Then, find a moving object such as vehicles on a freeway, a moving train, or a pinwheel in the garden and shoot three photos using various shutter speeds. Use one very slow shutter (below  1/30), one average (approx 1/125), and one very fast (1/1000 or faster). Again you'll need to adjust your other settings to maintain proper exposure.

Steps to completion

  1. Shoot the 6 photographs described above
  2. Document the technical information as you go (hint: most cameras document this info as meta data on the photo file)
  3. Write a very short summary of your experience
  4. Post your photographs and summary to our Google Plus Community site
  5. Select #W3C2 as the category so we can filter our searches in the community

Monkey See Monkey Do #W3C3

Look online to find at least 3 photographs that you feel employ either some of the visual composition elements discussed in class or have done something interesting with aperture or shutter speed to achieve their special quality. Now with these photos in mind try and recreate the effect or compositional values in the photos you've chosen with a digital camera.

Steps to completion

  1. Choose 3 photos online that you wish to study and try and recreate
  2. Shoot a photograph study for each one
  3. Write a very short summary of how each of your photos follow the guidelines or technique within the photo you chose
  4. Post your photographs and summaries to our Google Plus Community site
  5. Select #W3C3 as the category so we can filter our searches in the community

Week 9: Delivery Platforms

Have a play with one of the three platforms below and give us your impression on the Google Communities. #W9C1