ETAD 402: Multimedia Design and Production


This course introduces you to the building blocks that make up a multimedia product. You will learn to use the tools and editors to not only build various blocks of media, but will also design and manage them in a delivery system that makes sense to your desired outcomes.

Course Themes

The course is broken up into 5 major themes. These themes represent what are typically considered the major building blocks of a Multimedia Production.

  • Text
  • Images
  • Web Design/HTML
  • Sound
  • Video

Course Activities

Face-to-Face Class Time

Thursday afternoons will be used for a number of activities.

  • Demonstration and explanation of concepts and topics
  • In-class exercises and media challenges/explorations
  • Discussion and questioning
  • In-class project working time


Assignments are designed to teach you specific skills related to the 5 building blocks of multimedia mentioned above. Each assignment can be tackled as a stand alone media element or they can contribute to your major multimedia project. Assignment details will be provided closer to the due dates.

Outside of Class Time

Outside of class you'll be asked to

  • read from your textbook and assigned articles.
  • complete online tutorials both assigned and discovered.
  • contribute summaries of learning to a shared space.



Course Themes


  • Typography
  • Font
  • Styles and sizes
  • Preparing text for a project
  • Formatting on-screen text
  • Guidelines for using text on screen


  • basics concepts related to the use of digital images in multimedia
  • concepts related to graphic design

web design

  • basics of website design and construction
  • online design concepts


  • basics of audio production


  • basics of video planning and pre-production

Getting Started

Join Google Community


This discussion forum tool will be used to host asynchronous (not in real time) conversations on course topics. It is our hope that this will lead to a vibrant community of discussion and resource-sharing on the course topics and other topics of interest. You should have received an invitation in your PAWS email account, but if not you can click the link below and request to join. JOIN HERE

blog portfolio


If you don't already have an active blog or if you want to start a NEW blog to use as your ETAD 402 portfolio please sign up for a blog of your choice. I can recommend the blogs hosted by the university or a universal wordpress blog or an edublogs blog. If you prefer to use blogger or tumblr please feel free to do so. These portfolios can be used to share your digital creations, summaries of your media tool explorations, and general thoughts and musings around your experiences with the tools and concepts we explore.