Evaluating Educational Multimedia Design

Take a look at the contemporary educational media samples below and evaluate their design based on Gagne's 9 Events of Effective Instruction and the SAMR model.

Khan Academy

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Have one of the members in your group create an account for the Khan Academy and then work through some of a course that they offer.

Also you can watch Salmon Khan talk about why he invented the Khan Academy here

Our Choice


Al Gore's sequel to "An Inconvenient Truth"

See First Generation iPad at the front of the room.

Also you can watch the Software Developer Mike Matas discuss the design in a TED Talk here

Life On Earth

7_books_stacked-640wE.O. Wilson's Life on Earth series of digital biology textbooks.

View in ibooks on the iPad Air at the front of the room.

Dino 101


Dino 101 is a University of Albera Coursera MOOC that received a lot of attention for it's production value.

Have a member of your group register for current offering of this MOOC and have a look around.


The Future of Storytelling

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This iversity MOOC from the University of Applied Science, Potsdam, Germany.

First take a look at this "Course Trailer" they created and then get your instructor to log you into his account to view the course materials.