Web Design Principles

What we know | What we need to know

What We Know

Analysis: The first stage in the ADDIE model of Instructional Design is analysis. One of the pieces of analysis you'll need to consider is your audience. Who is this site for and how does that change the design?

Hierarchy: Organize your information in a way that communicates it best. Use Headings and sub-headings to achieve clarity of hierarchy.

Typography: Using screen friendly and web friendly fonts and typefaces can help make your site more appealing.

Images: Images speak a thousand words.

Hypertext: Ensure your clicks are meaningful and they work. Links are the lifeblood of your site.

What We Need to Know



Grids and Columns


Screen Shot by course author, Jordan Epp
Screen Shot by course author, Jordan Epp http://www.lynda.com/Design-Typography-tutorials/Creating-grids-columns/162443/192700-4.html?org=usask.ca

Additional Resources