1. Summary

This video is all about DNA. It primarily focuses on the structure of DNA. This video also provides some history about who uncovered DNA structure.

2. Why Watch This Video?

  1. Have you ever wondered what DNA stands for?
  2. Would you like to know how human cells function?
  3. Have you ever been confused by the structure of DNA?

3. Key Terms

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)–A molecule containing information about biological inheritance.

Nucleus – An organ within a cell that holds information about genetics in the form of DNA.

Molecules – Atoms bonded together to make a chemically unique substance.

4. Loose Ends

Nucleotide has three main parts which are phosphate, sugar and nitrogen base.

There are four nitrogen bases in DNA: thymine, cytosine, guanine and adenine.

The purines have a two-wing structure and the pyrimidines have a one wing structure.

5. Self-Test Questions

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