Summary This video explains the forces that go into build mountains, and what factors limit the height to which they can grow. Tectonic plates and the fact that they are floating on the...
Summary The Earth is old and it's hard to tell exactly how old the Earth really is because rocks are constantly renewing themselves. When rocks are melted, the heat destroys the evidenc...
Summary Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world above sea-level. The height of this magnificent mountain is the result of when two continental plates collided 50 million year...
Summary During the Triassic period, 234 million years ago, a sudden change in climate caused by long-term volcanic eruptions triggered an episode of excessive rain and flooding for two ...
Summary This video describes the three types of plate boundaries and provides examples of each. It continues to explain how mountains and trenches are formed from these boundaries. In a...
Summary It was thought we could predict earthquakes and their direction by using tools as simple as a vase. Overtime, scientists have developed complex warning system t...
1. Summary The earth’s crust was originally thought of as static. It took the combined efforts of Alfred Wegener, Harry Hess, and Arthur Holmes to prove this theory wrong. Wegener’s the...
1. Summary After briefly describing how the sun and our solar system came to be, this video shifts focus to the Earth’s layers and their importance. The video explains what the various ...
1. Summary In this video, we see how the Rocky Mountains were created by the movement of the Pacific and North American plates. We learn that parts of the range are up to 1000 miles awa...
1. Summary This video outlines how plate tectonics moved North and South America to where they are today. The video also depicts how plate tectonics influenced the migration of ancient ...