GEOL 109 | The Earth and Life Through Time

Student-Curated Geology Video Collection

10 Items Tagged "evolution"

Have you ever wondered what causes a new species to form?

Summary This video explains two of the main types of speciation. It provides examples of certain isolations or barriers that make way for a new type of species to form. It e...

What is the Evidence for Evolution?

1. Summary: he video discusses the fact that whales at one point in time were able to walk on land and thus, evolution has bred out whales having legs to better adapt to their environme...

What is Speciation?

Summary: The video Speciation defines and describes what a species is, what speciation means and the different types of speciation and what causes them. The two types are allop...

Why Are We The Only Human’s Left?

Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens have similar makeups, both physically and mentally.  Similar to Homo Sapiens, Neanderthals communicated, cared, gathered, and provided for each other.  Neanderthal...

1) Evolution and Natural Selection

Summary This video explains how evolution is a process that happens to populations of species by which advantageous genetic traits are more likely to be passed onto offsp...

Charles Darwin – The Theory Of Natural Selection

Summary Through a cartoon demonstration, this video explains Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection. The video ...

Five fingers of evolution – Paul Andersen

Summary Life is created and altered through evolution throughout years. Five processes are covered within the video: population, mating, mutation, movement and natural selection. Also c...

Formation of New Species by Speciation

Summary The video I chose focuses on the process of speciation, the change in gene pools and how it all happens. It goes into detail showing how speciation started all the way back when...

Myths and Misconceptions about Evolution

Summary This video offers explanations to dissolve some of the myths and misconceptions about evolution, including the meaning of "survival of the fittest" and "natural...

Examining The Four Key Pieces Of Evidence For Evolution

Summary The video, "Evidence for Evolution" displays the four primary categories that provide evidence for evolution. This video discusses fossils, anatomical evidence, embryolog...

GEOL 109 | The Earth and Life Through Time • blame cogdogSPLOTbox theme is based on Garfunkel by Anders Norén.