Summary This video takes the viewers on a quick journey and circles back to the beginning origins of life on Earth starting with elements and compounds. It then discusses specific genes...
Summary Let’s take a deep-sea dive and look at the early life forms that existed in the great phenomenon known as the “Avalon Explosion”. These early life forms can be described as mult...
Summary This video describes the creation of water in the solar system. It goes onto explain the three theories as to how the Earth’s water was obtained. Following that, it addresses th...
1. Summary The Cambrian period is part of the Paleozoic Era. The Cambrian period brought change to life on earth with the development of life forms that were multicellular and more comp...
1. Summary Point mutations are random changes in the DNA code that involve a single pair of nucleotides, causing the evolution of new genetic information in a population without changin...
1. Summary After briefly describing how the sun and our solar system came to be, this video shifts focus to the Earth’s layers and their importance. The video explains what the various ...
1. Summary This video focuses on taxonomic classification. It gives some great and clear information on what the three domains are and what distinguishes them from each other. The video...
1. Summary This video highlights specific events which lead to the formation of the Earth and Moon. It discusses how the protoplanetary disk accreted into larger bodies called protoplan...
1. Summary This video describes the process of the snowball earth effect in which the entire surface of the planet froze although the reasoning behind this phenomenon is still debated t...
1. Summary This video explains a multitude of topics ranging from how the Earth was formed, early life on Earth, the first Ice Age and when life really began. It starts off from the beg...