Summary This video takes the viewers on a quick journey and circles back to the beginning origins of life on Earth starting with elements and compounds. It then discusses specific genes...
Summary Turtle shells have evolved greatly over the last 210 million years, creating modern turtle shells to be extremely diverse, depending on the environment they live in. Their shell...
Summary Let’s take a deep-sea dive and look at the early life forms that existed in the great phenomenon known as the “Avalon Explosion”. These early life forms can be described as mult...
Summary During the Triassic period, 234 million years ago, a sudden change in climate caused by long-term volcanic eruptions triggered an episode of excessive rain and flooding for two ...
1. Summary MinuteEarth’s video, Are We Really 99% Chimp?, dove into the science behind evolutionary processes, DNA, and the reality behind the statement, “We are ...
Summary Conodont fossils are defined as a minute toothlike fossil composed of the mineral apatite (calcium phosphate) and are one of the most abundant fossils found on earth. Their orig...
1. Summary The Cambrian period is part of the Paleozoic Era. The Cambrian period brought change to life on earth with the development of life forms that were multicellular and more comp...
1. Summary This video is all about DNA. It primarily focuses on the structure of DNA. This video also provides some history about who uncovered DNA structure. 2. Why Watch This Vid...
1. Summary Over 65 million years ago, most types of dinosaurs went extinct after roaming the earth for 160 million years. Some scientists believe an asteroid approximately 12km wide had...
1. Summary Human impacts also known as the anthropogenic impacts have become so pervasive, profound, and permanent thus exceedingly endangering the planet. This video shows an overview ...