Summary The video “When will the next mass extinction occur?” is a short informative film about Earth’s history of major mass extinctions that occurred since the beginning of time. It p...
Summary This video provides a brief history of how Earth was formed and a very brief statement on the moon forming as well. In short, heavier materials that could withstand heat resiste...
Summary The Earth started as a ball of molten rock and has been cooling ever since. Although the crust has cooled enough for us to live on it, the mantle and core are still very hot. Ra...
Summary Through a cartoon demonstration, this video explains Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection. The video ...
Summary This video provides you with a six minute briefing on the formation of the solar system, including visual detail. It explains how the early building blocks of the solar system a...
Summary Water is the most valuable and important source to be found on our planet. But how did Earth obtain its water supply, while other planets remain devoid if it? In this video, Zac...
Summary Life is created and altered through evolution throughout years. Five processes are covered within the video: population, mating, mutation, movement and natural selection. Also c...
Summary The video I chose focuses on the process of speciation, the change in gene pools and how it all happens. It goes into detail showing how speciation started all the way back when...
Summary This video offers explanations to dissolve some of the myths and misconceptions about evolution, including the meaning of "survival of the fittest" and "natural...
Summary This video shows a different side of dams, what many think of as clean hydroelectric power. Many points are made about the negative effects dams have on their surrounding enviro...