Summary This video offers explanations to dissolve some of the myths and misconceptions about evolution, including the meaning of "survival of the fittest" and "natural...
Summary This video shows a different side of dams, what many think of as clean hydroelectric power. Many points are made about the negative effects dams have on their surrounding enviro...
Summary: The video describes the carbon cycle at an introductory level. It describes the natural carbon cycle, and each step of the process while highlighting the fact that through this...
Summary This video covers the three main rock types: metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary. Details about each type of rock are discussed, including what it is made of and how it formed...
Cyanobacteria are single-celled organisms that led to the Great Oxygenation Event and paved the way for complex life. There was no free oxygen in the atmosphere 3.5 billion years ago and anaero...
Summary Within 2:43 minutes viewers are able to learn the three domains of life on Earth (Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya) along with the four kingdoms (Protists, Plants, Fungi ...
Summary The video, "Evidence for Evolution" displays the four primary categories that provide evidence for evolution. This video discusses fossils, anatomical evidence, embryolog...
Summary This video discussed the breakup of our Earth’s continents by the shifting of tectonic plates, which created the well-known supercontinent Pangaea. It gives an in-depth descript...
Summary This video begins by explaining how carbon dioxide (CO2) gets into our atmosphere, including the roles of photosynthesis and greenhouse gases in the carbon cycle. Th...