Weed Profiles

Image Courtesy of Course Author: Brenda Frick

Russian Thistle

Russian Thistle Salsola kali – Profile by Brayden Connor  Many southern Saskatchewan residents are accustomed to seeing a tan bushy plant tumble across the prairie landscape in the wind. Russian Thistle is a tumble weed brought over from Europe and Asia initially as a contaminant of flax seed (Government of Saskatchewan, 2004). The Thistle is […]


Cleavers Galium aparine – Profile by Michelle Hildebrand This plant is commonly known as a cleavers plant, and scientifically known as Galium aparine. The negative attributes of this plant are the seed size, and yield losses that they can cause with heavy infestations. The seed size is roughly the same as that of canola, and can […]

American Dragonhead

American Dragonhead Dracocephalum parviflorum – Profile by Eric McLenaghan American dragonhead is also known as false dragonhead, dragon’s head, or dragonhead mint. It is a weed commonly seen in cropping systems in northern North America, but has shown some promise for agronomic production of bird seed. The plant has either a biennial or annual growth habit, and […]

Scentless Chamomile

Scentless Chamomile Matricaria perforata – Profile by Joshua Moats Matricaria perforata, commonly known as scentless chamomile is a noxious weed found in the Canadian prairies (Blackshaw 1997). It may have been introduced from Europe through contaminated seed or as an escaped ornamental (Bowes 1994). There are very few positive attributes associated with scentless chamomile relating to […]