1. When most people think of the beach, they think of themselves sun-tanning on the warm sand or building sand castles with their children. The video explains what sand is made of and why it appears to look the same. It also explains how so much of it happens to be at beaches.

2. Why watch this video?
Why all sand looks the same?
Have you ever wondered how sand is formed?
How there is so much sand at the beach?

3. Key terms
Sand: Siliciclastic sedimentary particles that range in a diameter of 1/16 to 2 millimeters.
Silicates: A mineral group that includes the most abundant mineral’s in Earth’s crust.
Magma: Molten rock found deep within Earth.

4. Loose ends
Loose end #1: The video could expand on how quartz sand ends up in the desert
Loose end #2 The video could have expanded a little more on the difference between sand, silt and clay.
Loose end #3: The video could have provided the actual size that geologists consider to be sand. Anything smaller is considered silt and anything larger is considered gravel.

5. Self-Test Questions
Question 1
Question: What is sand made of?
Answer a: Break down of other crystalized minerals.
Answer b: Tiny crystals made of SiO2
Answer c: schist
Answer d: sandstone
What’s the answer and why?
The correct answer is B) tiny crystals made of SiO2. These are the two most common minerals found within Earth’s crust.

Question 2
Question: Where does sand form?
Answer a: In magma deep within the Earth’s surface
Answer b: On the beach
Answer c: In rivers and oceans
Answer d: People make it
What’s the answer and why?
The correct answer is A) in magma deep within the Earth’s surface

Question 3
Question: How does sand end up on beaches?
Answer a: The wind blows it there
Answer b: People put it there
Answer c: Carried by rivers and streams
Answer d: It is just there
What’s the answer and why?
The correct answer is C) it is carried by rivers and streams

Question 4
Question: Why is sand so small?
Answer a: It is forced to form in tiny spaces around larger crystals
Answer b: It is just small
Answer c: Because of the minerals it is made of
Answer d: It breaks down over time
What’s the answer and why?
The correct answer is A) it is forced to form in tiny spaces around larger crystals

Question 5
Question: What is the actual size of sand?
Answer a: 1/16 to 2 millimeters
Answer b: 1/256 to 1/16 millimeters
Answer c: Larger than 2 millimeters
Answer d: Smaller than 1/16 millimeters
What’s the answer and why?
The correct answer is A) 1/16 to 2 millimeters

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Item Credit: Minute Earth

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