Are you getting harassing emails or instant messages? This may be a form of Cyberstalking or Online Harassment and it’s nothing to take lightly…
Monthly Archives: December 2007
Fire Alarm in Biology
There was a Fire Alarm in Biology on Monday due to a dryer oven sending the research plants that were inside the oven into a smoldering state, then fire…
Identity Theft
Identity theft could happen to anyone… It is a criminal offense in which a person intends to acquire an identification of another person and uses it without proper authorization and adopts it as their own.
24 Hour Supensions
There have been two 24hr Suspension issued by Special Constables within the last two days on Campus. “What is a 24hr Suspension?”…
Crime Stoppers
In Partnership Saskatoon Crime Stoppers – University of Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers
Drinking and Driving
Well it’s that time of year when we all gather with friends and family for the Holiday Season. Unfortunately it’s also the time of year when a lot of unnecessary Drinking and Driving occurs. Campus Safety will be actively enforcing a ZERO TOLERANCE for drinking and driving on Campus over this Holiday Season.
Tell someone what you know… Call Campus Watch @ 966-4506 we want here from you!
“Speeding on Campus”
Well the Holiday Season is here and the last thing I’m sure anyone wants for Christmas is a speeding ticket! The speeds on Campus over the last month of have been increasing tremendously even as the road conditions get worse…
Hit & Run’s
Over the past few weeks there have been reports of “Hit & Runs” in parking lots across campus. We understand it is icy and crowded in the parking lots but it is very important to identify yourself if you have accidentally hit a vehicle!