U of S Protective Services along with College of Kinesiology will be hosting our next R.A.D. Class March 4th/11th/18th/24th Wednesday evenings from 7:30pm until 10:30pm at the Education Building. To register please contact Campus rec @ 306-966-1001 or attend in person, Monday to Friday, at the Campus Rec office in the Kinesiology (PAC) Building – Room 222. It’s only $20.00 to register so tell your friends.
R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense) System is a program that teaches women realistic self-defense tactics and techniques. One out of every four women is likely to face the possibility of physical assault in their lifetime. The R.A.D. program begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defensive training. The R.A.D. focus is about empowering women through education to protect themselves. R.A.D. techniques emphasize protection against rape and abduction. The R.A.D. classes conducted at U of S have been very successful and are a very important community service.