Campus Safety keeps detailed statistics of calls for service which are publicly available through our website.
Category Archives: Campus Incidents
Drinking and Driving
In the past 30 days there has been 12 incidents were people on Campus have been caught driving over the legal limit of alcohol consuption!
MVA Incidents
There have been two MVA’s in the past two weeks which involved Cyclists…
Campus Parking Lots
On several occasions, gate arms controlling the exits to the pay lots have been damaged. This is done by persons manually lifting them or driving through them for the purpose of leaving the lot without paying.
All gate arms are alarmed and every event is recorded.
Any person(s) involved in such activity may be subject to a Criminal Code charge of Mischief under $5000, restitution for damages and a fine of up to $100.
Thefts on Campus
Over the past weekend there were four seperate Thefts reported to Campus Safety.
B & E Incident on Campus
On June 11th at approximately 1:00 am the Crepe Factory in Place Riel was broken into..
Graffiti on Campus
What is Graffiti? Graffiti is the name for images or lettering scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner on property.
Mischief (Physics/Arts)
Over the weekend of March 8th 2008 there were numerous vending machines damaged in Arts and Physics Building on Campus.
Three MVA’s Monday
There were three Motor Vehicle Accident’s reported Monday on Campus…
Fire Alarm in Biology
There was a Fire Alarm in Biology on Monday due to a dryer oven sending the research plants that were inside the oven into a smoldering state, then fire…