Please Help ldentify These Individuals

Protective Services needs your help in identifying these individuals suspected of participating in several incidents across campus over the weekend. If you recognise any individuals in this, or other photos on our site, please contact Protective Services immediately at 306-966-5555:

Incident 2018-000126: Mischief – Education Building
Incident 2018-000128: Theft – Mac’s Convenience Store

**The individuals in these photos were identified. Thank you for your help!**

Please help identify these individuals (Mischief Athabasca Hall)

Please help identify these individuals who may have information pertaining to an incident of Mischief in Athabasca Hall which occurred on September 14th, 2017:

INC-2017-000802 – Mischief Under $5000 – Athabasca Hall

**These individuals have been identified. Thanks!

If you have any information regarding this or any incident on campus, please contact Protective Services at 306-966-5555.

Please help identify this individual

Sometime between September 8th and 11th, an unknown individual posing as a construction worker, broke into offices within the Health Sciences building. Protective Services is looking for your help in identifying this individual. If you have any information regarding this, or any incident on campus, please contact us at 306-966-5555 immediately.

INC-2017-000783 – Break and Enter, Theft: Health Sciences Building

Please help identify this individual

Please help us identify this individual who may have information relating to a theft in Spruce Hall on June 30th.

If you have information relating to this, or any incident on campus, please call Protective Services at 306-966-5555.

INC-2017-000616 Theft Under $5000 – Spruce Hall. June 30th, 2017

Please help identify this individual

Please help us identify this individual related to an incident of mischief in the Stadium Parkade on April 30th, 2017. If you have any information about this, or any other incident on campus, please contact us at 306-966-5555

INC-2017-000426 Mischief Stadium Parkade, April 30th

The individual in this file has been identified. Thanks for your help!

Please Help to Identify This Person of Interest

This individual may have information related to thefts in the Edwards School of Business. If you know who this person is, please contact us at 306-966-5555.

INC-2017-000353: Theft Under $5,000 Edwards School of Business April 7th, 2017

This individual has been identified and their photograph removed. Thanks for your assistance!

Help us identify these individuals

Please help us identify these persons of interest who may have information relating to an incident of mischief in the Stadium Parkade which occurred in the early morning of April 5th, 2017.

INC-2017-000341 – Mischief Under $5000 Stadium Parkade

The individual in this file has been identified. Thanks for your help!

Please help us identify this person of interest

Please see the below images of a person of interest related to an assault which occurred April 7th, at approximately 9:00am. If you have any information related to this, or any suspicious or worrisome behaviour on campus, contact Protective Services immediately at 306-966-5555


The individual in these photographs was identified and the photos have been removed. Thank you!