• Assessment and Evaluation,  Canvas

    Understanding final grades in the Canvas gradebook.

    With contributions from Carmen Harder, Training Specialist, Client Experience, Client and Technology Success The dashes that you see on the Canvas gradebook indicate missing assignments. When calculating final grades Canvas does not treat these missing assignments as zero. In this example the final grade for the student is 60%. To make sure that missing assignments are given a zero grade there are two things you must do (preferably before your course starts): Apply a late submission policy -so that all late/missing assignments are graded the way you want       2. Set an assignment due date -so that Canvas knows when to apply the late or missing penalty Once…

  • Canvas,  Educational Technology,  Inclusivity,  Instructional Strategies,  Remote Teaching

    Using Zoom Meetings in Canvas

    Zoom is a web conferencing tool available in Canvas. To be enabled, it has to be added to the course navigation menu. Zoom can be used to schedule lectures, group meetings or appointments. Students can join any virtual meeting directly through Canvas and can review any recorded sessions through the Zoom Meetings link. The videos below explain how to use Zoom to schedule meetings and office hours in Canvas. Using Zoom to schedule meetings in Canvas (7.31) Using Zoom to schedule office hours in Canvas (4.05) How students can join a Zoom session in Canvas Once in Canvas students can simply click the Join button, either from the Zoom Meetings…

  • Uncategorized

    Breakout rooms in Zoom

    This feature in Zoom allows you to sort your students into small groups where they can collaborate on projects, discuss topics or brainstorm ideas. If you have a large class, breaking students up into smaller groups helps build connection between students and ensures that everyone in the group has a voice. The breakout rooms in Zoom can be pre-assigned before the meeting starts or they can be created once the meeting has started.  Once rooms have been created students can be assigned automatically or manually to a room. Alternatively, you may decide to let students choose their own rooms. This video explains how to create breakout rooms in Zoom Once…

  • Remote Teaching

    Generating an attendance report in Zoom

      Term has started and whilst the instructors who are back in the classroom can clearly see who is present in their classes, for those who are teaching virtually it is not so easy to determine. Luckily for the instructors who are hosting their virtual classes in Zoom, an attendance report can be generated. This report will show you who was present in your virtual session and for how long. Follow these simple steps to generate an attendance report in Zoom. Sign into the Zoom portal through PAWS. Click Reports on the left-hand side navigation, then click Usage. Enter the appropriate dates of the classes in question and click Search.…

  • Canvas,  Educational Technology,  Remote Teaching

    Canvas Online Attendance

    Canvas has just released an online attendance dashboard for instructors who are teaching online and who want to define attendance around students’ interactions within Canvas. You can access the online attendance dashboard through the New Analytics link either from the course navigation menu or through the course homepage. This dashboard gives instructors an at-a-glance view of which students are engaging with Canvas-based activities and on which days.   Instructors can use the Weekdays dropdown menu to select their class days, so they can easily see online attendance for these days &   Instructors can filter the results to show students who have met (or not met) the attendance criteria, making…

  • Instructional / Course Design,  Instructional Strategies,  Remote Teaching

    Introduction to Teaching Online

    If someone asked you “How is online teaching different from face-to-face teaching?”, the first thing you might say is that face-to-face teaching involves real time interaction between students and instructors (synchronous) whereas online teaching happens through a computer, with students typically working through course content like lectures and other materials in their own time (asynchronous). In an online environment students and instructors access the course at different times and from different places; therefore, it is necessary to deliberately build in opportunities to develop a rapport with students and guide them through the course so that they are successful. There are a number of strategies that are effective in online courses that…

  • Canvas,  Educational Technology,  Remote Teaching

    You can only make a first impression once – make it a good one with your Canvas Homepage

    Co-written by Toni Marchione and Ryan Banow, GMCTL Your course homepage is the first thing that students see when they log in to your Canvas course. It is their first impression of your course. As a landing page, it should be inviting, informative and easy to navigate.   Canvas allows instructors to customize their homepage and choose between five different layout options: Course Activity Stream, Pages Front Page, Course Modules, Assignment List or Syllabus. It is simple to change How do I change the Course Home Page?. Course Modules is the most common option that instructors choose.   If you would like to customize your homepage you must first create a page and then set it as the Front Page – How do I set a Front Page in a course? Whichever homepage layout you select you also have the option of displaying recent course…

  • Canvas,  Instructional Strategies,  Remote Teaching

    Elaborations on Canvas collaborations

    The transition to remote learning has been in progress for almost a year now, with many instructors grabbing the Canvas bull by the horns and learning how to use the different Canvas tools to provide their students with the best learning experience possible. With what feels like the whole world working remotely right now, collaborating with peers and colleagues is a necessary skill that we can help students develop and refine. Learning to work collaboratively is important because it not only helps to prepare students for careers but it elegantly highlights that it is often easier to succeed at tasks when working in a team. Canvas gives you the ability…

  • Canvas,  Educational Technology,  Remote Teaching

    How Canvas’ intuitive interface makes it easy to use

    This is the seventh post in a series about how you can use Canvas to integrate the eight Learning Technology Ecosystem Principles. You can find more about these principles here, but in this post, we’ll be looking at the sixth principle. Efficient and easy to use: Learners need to work in a system that is fluid and requires a minimum number of steps in systems that are intuitive and integrated.    Efficient and Easy to Use   During the search for a new LMS, instructors said ‘ease of use’ was a top principle for choosing technology to support student learning. If a platform is intuitive and easy to navigate, students can focus on their course work…

  • Canvas,  Educational Technology,  Program Evaluation,  Remote Teaching

    Using Canvas New Analytics to see how students are doing in your course.

    Having to teach remotely may have left some of us feeling like we are teaching in a vacuum. Without the usual cues that face-to-face teaching provides, it can be difficult to tell whether students are engaging or participating with their course materials. Even if you feel like you have a good sense of how your students are engaging with the course, New Analytics can help confirm these feelings.  What is New Analytics? New Analytics is a tool that can track and report student activity within Canvas. Student activity is defined by two data points: Page Views and Participations. The table below shows the difference between the two. How to access New Analytics. You can easily access New Analytics through the course Home Page or from the course navigation menu (if you have set it to…